Benefits of House and Land Packages

Ever wondered why new homeowners might want a house and land package over buying land separately? This blog looks at the benefits of house and land packages, and the reasons why Brisbane homeowners are choosing house and land packages over older established homes.

Heathwood | Featured image for benefits of house and land packages | Feature Image Benefits of House and Land Packages.
New home painted grey with white trim and white garage door | Feature Image Benefits of House and Land Packages.
Modern two story brown brick home with brown garage door | Feature Image Benefits of House and Land Packages.

You can personalise your home to suit your needs

With house and land packages, you may think that they offer little room for customisation but you actually have the freedom to customise your build to suit your exact requirements. This might include choosing the colour of the roof, garage, fencing, facade, carpets, and more. If you’re looking for an investment property, you can even customise your property to meet the requirements of your target demographic.

It costs less than a custom build

Want a new home that suits your specifications without the price tag? A house and land package is a cost-effective way to achieve that dream. Unlike buying an existing home and compromising some of your needs, one of the biggest benefits of house and land packages is that they allow you to find the right location with a home ready to go. You can expect to save money on stamp duty as well, as you will only have to pay stamp duty for the land if the house hasn’t been built yet. Furthermore, you might also be eligible for government grants targeted at first home buyers, with many offering up to $25,000 for a new home build.

You save on maintenance and repair costs

Unlike purchasing an existing home, you won’t have to worry about surprise faults or deteriorating materials to worry about as your home is brand new. Ask many homeowners who’ve invested in an older home and they’ll tell you that repair and renovation projects are an ongoing necessity. As your new home is built to the latest building codes and regulations, you won’t have to worry about the routine occurrence of costly repairs.

House and land package inclusions

Wondering what house and land package inclusions you can expect to get at OMNI Built homes? At OMNI, we pride ourselves in delivering move-in-ready homes with generous functional spaces and quality fixtures and fittings, built by high-quality craftsmen. Providing everything from fencing, landscaping, a driveway, clothesline, and more; No detail is spared when it comes to building with OMNI.

Want to know more?

If you’d like to discuss the benefits of house and land packages in person, or you’re ready to start your home building journey with OMNI Built Homes, get in touch with our new home builders Brisbane today . 07 3390 4214.

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