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  • 4
  • 2
  • 2
  • 12.5m Block Width
House Area (m2)224.62m2
Exterior Length22.43m
Exterior Width11.30m
Measurements in mm
Living3850 x 4450
Meals5290 x 3660
Theatre4210 x 3800
Master Suite3630 x 3500
Bed 23190 x 3140
Bed 33190 x 3100
Bed 43000×3140
Garage5500 x 6000



* Minimum lot sizes & dimensions may vary subject to fall of land, easement details, council & developer requirements. Sizes & dimensions may vary subject to facade selection.  Refer to working drawings for complete dimensions. * Prices and design dimensions are correct at time of publishing, however are subject to change at any time. 

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